Sunday, December 23, 2018

20 Tips For Great Job Interviews

Want to ace your next interview and land that open job you’ve been seeking? Here are 20 tips to help you prepare.

Research the industry and company.

An interviewer may ask how you perceive his company's position in its industry, who the firm's competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, and how it should best go forward. For this reason, avoid trying to thoroughly research a dozen different industries. Focus your job search on just a few industries instead.

Clarify your "selling points" and the reasons you want the job.

Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such as what makes you the best candidate for the position. Have an example of each selling point prepared ("I have good communication skills. For example, I persuaded an entire group to ..."). And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess. If an interviewer doesn't think you're really, really interested in the job, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how good you are!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

10 Ways to Keep Your Health Care and Insurance Affordable

According to the 2018 enrollment report 11.8 million individuals signed up or renewed through the marketplace for 2018  coverage through marketplace. We've all heard varying reports about how healthcare may change or is changing under Trumpcare, and it definitely is making people think twice about the future of healthcare plans and how to find affordable coverage, regardless of government plans. We have learned over the past couple of years that having access to a healthcare plan doesn’t automatically mean we are getting the cheapest plan or the best plan. If you are like many, you may be finding the rising costs of healthcare alarming. 

Friday, December 21, 2018


Want to ace your next interview and land that open job you’ve been seeking? Here are 20 tips to help you prepare.

Research the industry and company.

An interviewer may ask how you perceive his company's position in its industry, who the firm's competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, and how it should best go forward. For this reason, avoid trying to thoroughly research a dozen different industries. Focus your job search on just a few industries instead.

Clarify your "selling points" and the reasons you want the job.

Prepare to go into every interview with three to five key selling points in mind, such as what makes you the best candidate for the position. Have an example of each selling point prepared. And be prepared to tell the interviewer why you want that job – including what interests you about it, what rewards it offers that you find valuable, and what abilities it requires that you possess. If an interviewer doesn't think you're really, really interested in the job, he or she won't give you an offer – no matter how good you are!