Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Interviewing Techniques and Tips

Interviewing for a job can be nerve-wracking. You may feel uncomfortable “selling” yourself or fielding unexpected questions. Or the prospect of having to meet and impress new people may be enough to trigger stress or anxiety.

However, no matter how fearful you may be about interviewing for work, it’s important to remember that interviewing is a skill you can learn. With the following tips and techniques, you can become a master at sharing your value with potential employers, presenting yourself effectively at interviews, and getting the job you want.

Info: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/work/interviewing-techniques-and-tips.htm

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Body Language Tips for Your Next Job Interview

Getting ready for a job interview? Here's how to make an interviewer feel dubious about your candidacy: shake hands for the briefest of seconds, slump in your seat, avoid eye contact, and crack your knuckles before answering tough questions.

Justin Urbas

For more info of Justin Urbas's suggestion check the link: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/body-language-tips-for-your-next-job-interview-2060576

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Questions to Ask During a Job Interview

AS YOU PREPARE FOR A job interview, your focus is likely on figuring out how to answer common job interview questions. But you should also devote considerable time to thinking through questions to ask in an interview.

The hiring managers are definitely interested in how you answer their tricky questions – but they also want to see how you prepare interview questions to ask employers. By knowing what types of questions managers and teams want to be asked, you can help create a solid impression with the interviewers, increasing your chances of getting a job offer.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

They also give you a chance to find out if the job and company are right for you. Follow the tips here to ace your interviews.

Review common interview questions. Practice answering them with someone else or in front of a mirror. Come prepared with stories that relate to the skills that the employer wants, while emphasizing your:
  • Strengths
  • Willingness to work and flexibility
  • Leadership skills
  • Ability and willingness to learn new things
  • Contributions to the organizations in which you have worked or volunteered
  • Creativity in solving problems and working with people
Figure out in advance how well you qualify for the job. For each requirement listed in the job posting, write down your qualifications. This can show you if you lack a particular skill. Plan how you will address this in the interview so you can convince the interviewer that you can learn the skill.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


No matter how many you go on, job interviews can always be nerve wrecking. You put on your nicest clothes, print out your resume, and remind yourself to smile real big–and just when you think everything is going well, the interviewer hits you with a curveball question you aren’t prepared for.
Luckily, you’re not going to let that happen again and you’re planning ahead to ace this month’s interview. The best way to for anything is to do your research ahead of time–which is why we’re here to help.
If you’re preparing for a big interview in the New Year, prepping beforehand with these 15 interview questions will help you get one step closer to that dream job.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

20 Tips On How to Conduct a Successful

Always arrive for the interview on time. 

One of the biggest mistakes international candidates do is to arrive to an interview late.  If you are arriving interview late, the interviewer is going to assume you will do that if you are hired, which is not a first impression you want to give.  Being late to work is looked down upon, and can even get you fired.  Make sure you are on time, and in fact it is even better to show up a few minutes early.

Introduce yourself while shaking the interviewers hand. 

The hand shake is very important.   Too soft of a hand shake could be interpreted as lacking confidence.  However, too strong of a handshake can be seen as aggressive. In some countries it is not okay for the women to shake hands with a male, but in the U.S. it will be expected for this to happen.  If you are male and your interviewer is female, then you must shake hands, even if this is not appropriate in your home country.  And, if you are female and your interviewer is male, know that is culturally okay to shake hands.   In fact, it is essential to do so in the United States.   Keep eye contact when you shake someone's hand.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Digital Marketing Manager interview questions

This Digital Marketing Manager interview profile brings together a snapshot of what to look for in candidates with a balanced sample of suitable digital marketing interview questions.

Digital Marketing Manager Interview Questions

Your Digital Marketing Manager should have a strong grasp of current marketing tools and strategies and be able to lead integrated digital marketing campaigns from concept to execution. This means working with the marketing team, any supporting teams (such as programmers), and any vendors to launch campaigns on time and on budget. Interview questions for digital marketing should assess their ability to strategically plan campaigns based on existing needs, and analyze results when campaigns have concluded.