Thursday, June 27, 2019

20 Tips On How to Conduct a Successful

Always arrive for the interview on time. 

One of the biggest mistakes international candidates do is to arrive to an interview late.  If you are arriving interview late, the interviewer is going to assume you will do that if you are hired, which is not a first impression you want to give.  Being late to work is looked down upon, and can even get you fired.  Make sure you are on time, and in fact it is even better to show up a few minutes early.

Introduce yourself while shaking the interviewers hand. 

The hand shake is very important.   Too soft of a hand shake could be interpreted as lacking confidence.  However, too strong of a handshake can be seen as aggressive. In some countries it is not okay for the women to shake hands with a male, but in the U.S. it will be expected for this to happen.  If you are male and your interviewer is female, then you must shake hands, even if this is not appropriate in your home country.  And, if you are female and your interviewer is male, know that is culturally okay to shake hands.   In fact, it is essential to do so in the United States.   Keep eye contact when you shake someone's hand.

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